College Closing Policy

Official cancellations, delays, or closings are infrequent events. In certain circumstances such as inclement weather, power outages, or other extreme conditions, the appropriate College administrators will make the decision regarding class cancellations, delays, or closings. If classes are held as normal, notifications will not be made via the channels below. It is important to distinguish between class/lab/clinical cancellations, delays, and closings.
Notice will not be made if College will remain open.
- Classes: Whenever this word is used in any notification it means and covers all academic experiences including but not limited to lectures, labs and clinical experiences.
- Open: This decision means the College will operate as normal.
- Cancellation: This decision means Classes will not be held as planned. Please pay close attention to the wording of the cancellation decision as it may apply to morning, afternoon, evening or all Classes. The College offices will not conduct business during this time.
- Delayed Opening: This decision means the doors will be locked to every third party and all students and the College offices will not conduct business until the delayed start time.
- Closed: This decision means the doors will be locked to every third party and all students and the College offices will not conduct business as usual. When the College is Closed, all Classes are also Cancelled.
To stay updated on potential Mercy College of Health Sciences’ closings, cancellations, or delays, alerts will be posted on the following: