Teresa Housley

Teresa Housley, MSN, ARNP, FNP-BC, RNC-OB, C-EFM
Associate Professor
(515) 643-6727
Office Location
B1 - 212
Mailing Address
Mercy College of Health Sciences
928 6th Avenue
Des Moines, Iowa 50309-1239
Year Started at Mercy College: 2002
- Department: Nursing
- Post-Master’s Family Nurse Practitioner, Clarkson College (2014)
- MSN, University of Iowa (2005)
- BSN, Drake University (2001)
- ADN, Iowa Central Community College (1988)
Courses Regularly Taught
- NUR 410 Nursing Concepts in Obstetrics
- NUR 465 Transition to Nursing Practice
- Inpatient Obstetrics (RNC-OB)
- Electronic Fetal Monitoring (C-EFM)
Clinical History
- Labor and Delivery Nurse at Mercy Medical Center Des Moines, Iowa, 17 years
- Cardiac Telemetry Nurse at Mercy Medical Center Des Moines, Iowa, 1 year
- Med/Surg Nurse at Hamilton County Public Hospital Webster City, Iowa, 1 year
Research Interests
- DNP project on Hispanic population and flu vaccines
- Improving Practice Through Faculty Collaborative Research on Differences in Success Rates Between Traditional and Accelerated Students.
- Mixed-method research on Student’s Perceptions of Faculty Compassion
- Master’s Project “Tobacco Cessation Program for Obstetrical Patients”
Recent Publications
- MCANS group presented to Governor Branstad at the Capital, Des Moines, Iowa on December 8, 2011 “The Future of Nursing”
- Poster Presentation at Sigma Theta Tau International Zeta Chi Chapter at Large 10th Annual Evening of Research at Iowa Methodist Medical Center, Des Moines, Iowa on March 11, 2008 on “Improving Practice Through Faculty Collaborative Research on Difference in Success Rates Between Traditional and Accelerated Students”
Professional Memberships
- National League for Nurses (NLN)
- Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) – Faculty Advisor
- American Nurses Association
Advice to Students
Always feel free to come by my office and talk to me with any questions or concerns. Communication is the key to success.