


Mercy College of Health Sciences’ next annual Commencement Ceremony will be held on Thursday, April 24, 2025, at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines, Iowa. Graduates of the following terms are invited to participate.

  • Legacy graduates of Fall 2024, Spring 2025, and Summer 2025
  • Mercy College PLUS graduates of Summer Quarter 2024, Fall Quarter 2024, Winter Quarter 2025, and Spring Quarter 2025


  • When: Thursday, April 24, 2025, at 1:00 pm. Doors will open approximately 1.5 hours prior to the start of the ceremony.
  • Where: Grand Ballroom, Iowa Events Center
  • Where to park: Paid parking is available at the Iowa Events Center. Additional parking will be available on Mercy College’s campus.
    • If parking on Mercy College’s campus, graduates and guests are encouraged to park in the student parking lot at 701 Crocker Street.
  • How to watch: The Commencement Ceremony will be livestreamed on the Mercy College of Health Sciences Facebook page.


Below are several important details to be aware of as you prepare for your Commencement Ceremony. Please contact the Registrar’s Office via email ( or phone (515-635-1133) with any questions.


  • Doors for the event will open approximately 1.5 hours before the ceremony. Graduates are asked to arrive at the Grand Ballroom no later than an hour prior in order to get in order and line up for the procession. Please arrive in your cap and gown (tassels go on the right!) and do not bring purses, phones, coats, or other personal items.
    Caps and gowns will be available for pick-up at the receptionist desk in the Sullivan Center lobby. As the event comes closer, please check your student email for more details from the Registrar’s Office.
  • Graduates will process into the ceremony in descending degree order: bachelor’s, associate, and certificate programs. Upon arrival at the Grand Ballroom,  graduates should arrange themselves by program, then alphabetically by last name. Signs for each program will be placed throughout the room to help you find your program and fellow graduates in order to line up in the proper order.
  • Your name card will be given to you by the Registrar’s Office as you line up. Please do not lose your name card as it will be used to announce your name as you cross the stage.
  • Student marshals will lead the student procession into the ceremony. Please remain standing until the mace is placed in the stand on the stage. At the conclusion of the ceremony, student marshals will escort graduates out by rows.
  • The Iowa Events Center requests that you do not bring food or beverages from outside into the Ballroom. Food and drink are available for purchase at various locations and vending machines inside the facility. Please note, however, that the Iowa Events Center is a cash-less facility. If you or any of your guests wish to purchase snacks or drinks, you will need to have a credit or debit card or alternative means of payment.


Students who have filled out their graduation application can pick up their caps, gowns, and applicable honor cords from Missy Chapman, our Campus Receptionist, in the Sullivan Center lobby. As the event comes closer, please check your student email for more details from the Registrar’s Office.


Honors cords will be distributed with your cap and gown, based on the following:

Bachelor of Science: Summa Cum Laude, GPA 3.8 or above
Bachelor of Science: Magna Cum Laude, GPA 3.650-3.799
Bachelor of Science: Cum Laude, GPA 3.500-3.649

Associate of Science: Highest honors, GPA 3.8 or above
Associate of Science: High Honors, GPA 3.650-3.799
Associate of Science: Honors, GPA 3.500-3.649

Certificate: Certificate Highest Honors, GPA 3.8 or above
Certificate: Certificate High Honors, GPA 3.650-3.799
Certificate: Certificate Honors, GPA 3.500-3.649

*Commencement honors are determined based on the prior semester’s cumulative grade point average.


Students’ diplomas will be mailed to the address they provide on their graduation application approximately four weeks after the successful completion of all academic requirements for graduation and any other college obligations, including financial aid exit counseling, account payment, etc.

Students who borrowed Stafford Loans are required to complete exit loan counseling prior to their diploma and transcripts being released. This must be completed at

Don’t forget to pay your $110 graduation fee to the Business Office if you have not already done so. The graduation fee is assigned to the final term of your degree or certificate.


Next step before transforming into a life-saving hero: complete the form below. Our admissions team will get you all the info you need to know.

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Admissions: (515) 635-1133
General: (515) 643-3180


Mercy College of Health Sciences has been transforming students into healthcare professionals since 1899. Located in downtown Des Moines, Iowa, we offer master’s degreesbachelor’s degreesassociate degreescertificate programs, and continuing education courses.

Mercy College is the only private Catholic college in central Iowa and is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), in addition to numerous programmatic accreditors.

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